• Cofounded Innsbrook campus Drone Club • Developed Drone Controller with Tello API, which used by the Campus at events
GitHub Live Demo• Earned 26 badges towards Salesforce Platform Developer I credential • Created development Orgs to build, tested and deplopyed Lightning Web Components
Live Demo• A blog site and e-store. Currently only the store is available. • The blog component is being rebuilt in Django.
Live Demo• Cross-compiled Android kernels (5.15 -> 6.1) for Android 15, enabling advanced features and fine-tuning hardware configurations for Google Pixel 8a. • Experimented with BSP modifications and fine-tuned audio configuration using tools like libsu and tinyalsa. • Built a flashable Magisk module for Apatch manager that adds tinymix executible, libraries and a front end app which can modify the Alsa audio driver configuration directly. • Developed a library of Android audio testing and configuration scripts. • Testing scripts can gather information about a device's hardware, audio configurations and assist in debugging audio issues. • The configuration scripts can reduce jitter, reduce latency, and increase audio steaming quality in various ways
GitHub• Collected hardware diagnostic data using Linux-Hardware.org to compile and load correct drivers • Compiled and optimized the Linux kernel from source, using repo sync and menuconfig to harden security and improve performance